Thursday, January 19, 2012

Many Mysteries

There are many mysteries in which humans can contemplate.   The myths that inform cultures are creative narratives that guide those cultures in the fundamental questions:  Where do we come from?  Why are we here?  Where are we going?   

An important insight is that ideas originate from a historical and psychological context.  Ideas don't originate from a vacuum.   I recommend William I. Thompson as a writer that writes about the historical context in a erudite and imaginative way.  In our present materialistic culture, science is the storyteller in many ways.   Science tries to delude us into thinking it is beyond storytelling and myth.   Thompson is the one of the most imaginative at telling us otherwise.  Thompson helps us understand that what we accept as truth is "socially constructed,"  by a group that has something to gain.  

The Big Bang theory is a great example about the power of stories to misguide people into believing an idea that is being shown is wrong.  There is a certain segment of science that offers this as the truth about the origin of the universe.   It is now known by many of us that there are too many anomalies for the Big Bang theory to be a theory that is true.  Here is a link for some background on this.  

A line from Schopenhauer  All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.



  1. Yes indeed! There is a revolution in science right now involving the Big Bang theory and the people who are invested in the old paradigm do not even want to look at the evidence!!! Many, many scientists in cosmology, electrical engineering, astrophysics, quantum physics and other areas have developed a new theory called "plasma cosmology" or "electric universe". Many books are available on the subject as well as internet sites and you tube sites. The contributers to these theories start with Velikovsky, Halton Arp, Hannes Alfven, Wallace Thornhill, Anthony L Paratt, Donald E. Scott and many others. The ideas look very well researched to me, and have more evidence to back them up than the old paradigm theories. I have studied quantum physics and electrical engineering and know these theories need more investigation, and the results will increase our understanding of the Universe.

  2. I should note, also, that Kristian Birkeland was also a scientist who discussed the plasma/electrical phenomena in the Universe, and his reputation was impeccable and his theories indisputable.
    A good place to look for more information is

    1. Thanks for your comments. The website below offers some ideas on science and philosophy that mirror my feelings.
