Wednesday, February 22, 2012


In an earlier post (Depth is Invisible) this was written:    The idea is this one " we shall see, virtually all esoteric spiritual traditions insist that human beings possess "inside information" about the universe, to such an extent that discovering what a human being truly is is the key to fathoming the implacable mystery of the cosmos itself."  In a secular, materialistic society that is the modern world this is a radical idea.  Robert Inchausti in his book The Ignorant Perfection of Ordinary People  gives a chillingly accurate view of what each of us is up against.   Here are a few.  He writes:
 " ...A perpetual revolution of economic life that generates endless new individual needs and endless new poverties-laying waste to the planet’s increasingly managed information system centered around a mass media that exalts received ideas over direct experience-creating in the process pseudo-environments and modernized stupidity disguised and given credibility through the sheer pervasiveness of their presence...Under a global market economy, the practical reason of ordinary people is largely subsumed within an amalgam of money-making projects and development schemes.  There is no direct commercial pay-off to thinking philosophically and so no reason to be intellectually engaged beyond the demands of
technological innovation."    As Bob Dylan sang,  "It’s easy to see without looking too far
that not much is really sacred"   
The first step might be the hardest.   To really question what we think we know and move beyond the incredible noise that prevents us from going within. Silence is the path to the "inside information" about the universe.  


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